• Instructor: Raman
  • Category: Electrical Department
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Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

The Course curriculum for Internship is carefully researched and prepared by professionals from MNC to meet the demands expected in the Electronics and core industries. After completing the EEE Internship Training in Vellore at Redback Internship, students will be familiar with the Electronics research process followed in the core companies.

Lessons: 12 Lessons Duration: 02 Years Language: English
Seats: 100 Seats (47 Rsvd) Session: 2018-2020 Department: BioChemistry

Course Description & Detail

Internship Training provides a real time exposure for the students on the latest and trending technologies in the core companies. Below are some of the Top jobs in Electrical Industry.

  • Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Sensor – Wide application in environment monitoring home automation security systems
  • Signal processing – Signals images from anything need process. it has many algorithms which can be implemented in FPGA or processor or computer
  • MATLAB – Plays a Very important role in the field of image processing and mathematical manipulations.
  • Robotics and automation – Huge scope for robots in every field. automation has huge role in manufacturing
  • Power electronics – Deals with electronic devices in high voltage it has numerous applications in transmission and distribution systems

Learning Outcomes

  • Over 37 lectures and 55.5 hours of content!
  • Testing Training Included.
  • Learn Software Testing and Automation basics.
  • Practical assignments at the end of every session.
  • learning experience with live project work and examples.
  • Information packed practical training starting from basics
  • Advanced testing techniques.
Days Timing Instructor
Monday 08:30 am - 09:30 am Martin Frank
Tuesday 10:30 am - 04:30 pm Paul Adams
Wednesday 09:30 am - 01:30 pm Mike Smith
Thursday 08:30 am - 09:30 am Stewart Advert
Friday 08:45 am - 12:30 pm Simpson John
Saturday 09:30 am - 11:30 am Elizabeth
Sunday 07:45 am - 09:00 am Symond Wolker